Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The prop project!

propeller assembly ready to roll
Finally we're moving again, hurray! After some agonizing weeks trying to figure out how to install the old prop I got it all done. I eventually got the installation kit online (2 bronze locking nuts, the bronze keyway, and the cotter pin). Who would have thought there are so many different options to install a prop! As a further complication, everything had to be installed under water. Here in the marina the waters are not that clear, visibility about 20cm, so I spend a lot of time diving under the boat and securing everything in place. The most difficult part was the installation of the final cotter pin, which didn't like to go into its prescribed hole. I used up my 2 spare ones in the process and was almost ready to give up. Now that the prop is all clean and polished, the boat actually moves quite swiftly around, getting around 6.5kn at 2200rpm. With the 2blade Martec I got to that speed around 1800rpm and you can feel that the 3blade just doesn't have as much power. But at least it won't fall off (I hope!). As for that, I still haven't figured out how the 2blade came off by itself. I guess that will remain a puzzle...


  1. I have a diver clean my bottom each season. I disconnect the shaft coupling and remove it from the shaft. The diver then pulls out the shaft, propeller and all. I follow the shaft with a 1 inch dowel, and ship less then a quart of water. I have done this type of thing on a few boats, and it works great.

    By looking at that prop, I figure you have a diesel. I am curious about the size of the prop. It looks big. I can only fit about a 12 inch prop on my T34.

  2. Hi Frank, that's a 12"/12 triblade and yes, I have a Universal 35B Diesel. Believe it or not, the triblade is actually too small to bring the boat to full speed, but it's ok for now.
